Friday, October 4, 2013

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more...."

Life has a peculiar way of sneaking up on you. After many years of not really having a presence on the web, and dealing with life offline, I'm finding myself drawn back on an unusual manner. 

I've been a model railroader for years, in N scale (1:160), but one of my pet peeves has been that I like unusual things, odd things, and there's never been enough of them available to suit me... at prices I could afford... and building them up out of tiny bits and pieces is a little beyond my skill. However, I have some experience as a draftsman, and while not an "artist" in the usual sense, I've got a good eye for proportion, and a fair bit of creativity... so with 3D printing (or "additive manufacturing" if you're feeling superior...) becoming a mature technology, I decided to take a run at it. A few weeks later, I find myself with a shop on, and a growing collection of mostly model railroad related pieces there under, oddly enough, the name "TrainThingz". 

After some consideration, I decided that a blog might be my best approach to talking about my designs, and perhaps going into the design philosophy and decisions behind each item - so look at this as a Maker's blog, with a touch of art, whimsy, and whatever else I care to throw in. My blog, my rules! :)

I'll welcome comments, but to start at least I'm going to keep a tight rein on them... from previous experience I know how spam can overrun things if you let it, and it's much easier to relax things than to have to tighten restrictions. 

So, having started with this, I'll be adding comments about things I've made, am planning to make,  have tried to make, and have decided it's just not worth the trouble to make! I'll also be looking for more ideas, and thoughts and comments on what other people might like to see as well. Grab a seat and hang on tight, it's going to be another one of those long, strange trips, I think...

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